Social Disability Lawyer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news in the world of social disability law provided by the Los Angeles based Law Office of Irene Ruzin.

How SSA Grid Rules Benefit Individuals Over 50 for Disability Benefits

How SSA Grid Rules Benefit Individuals Over 50 for Disability Benefits How SSA Grid Rules Benefit Individuals Over 50 for Disability Benefits

As individuals reach the age of 50 and beyond, obtaining approval for Social Security Disability benefits becomes more feasible.The Social Security Administration (SSA) acknowledges that securing employment becomes increasingly challenging for individuals over 50 compared to younger counterparts.In response, the SSA has introduced a set of guidelin...

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  1078 Hits

5 social security changes for 2019

5 social security changes for 2019

Every year the Social Security Administration, SSA proposes changes to the social security benefits program in October – the changes take in effect from next January. The best thing about social security programs is they are adjusted accordingly to inflation rates. That means that your benefits will increase as the cost of living increases. Below w...

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  3335 Hits

When Do Disability Benefits Cases Go to Court?

If you are applying for Social Security Disability income because you can't work, it's important to understand how the process works. A Los Angeles disability benefits attorney can help you throughout the entirety of the benefits application process, from submitting your case through any necessary appeals.  Unfortunately, a substantial number ...

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  2726 Hits

How Strict is the Social Security Administration When Applying for Benefits?

When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, you need to make certain that the application you submit is comprehensive, detailed, and includes the information that is necessary to help you get benefits. Submitting a perfect application is important because the Social Security Administration is very strict about which benefits application...

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  2966 Hits

What are Common Reasons for a Disability Benefits Denial?

​When you need Social Security Disability benefits, it's incredibly disheartening if your claim is denied. Although there is a multi-stage process that allows you to appeal, this process can take a long time and you may be in need of the benefits quickly to support yourself. A Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer can help you to complete your ini...

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  2682 Hits

Where Does Funding for SSDI Come From?

If you are disabled and need to obtain benefits, you may be able to get monthly income from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Many people are not sure how this program works, how it is funded, or whether it is a type of entitlement or welfare benefit. The reality is, you pay to fund SSDI and if you are disabled, you deserve to be able to...

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  4059 Hits

Are SSI Benefits or SSDI Benefits Larger?

When you apply for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, a Los Angeles disability benefits attorney will help you to determine which benefits program you qualify for. There are two different benefits programs run by the Social Security Administration that could allow you to receive disability income, one of which is likely to...

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  2563 Hits

What Are Social Security Work Credits and Why Do They Matter?

​The Social Security Administration provides disability benefits to qualifying individuals who cannot work because of a serious disabling condition. There are different programs that you can take advantage of through the Social Security Administration in order to obtain benefits. A Los Angeles disability benefits attorney can help you decide which ...

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  2534 Hits

Are Social Security Disability Appeals Ever Success?

 If you have been denied after submitting your application for Social Security Disability benefits, do not give up hope that you will be able to get the income you need from the Social Security Administration when you are too disabled to work. There is a multi-stage appeals process and appeals often can be successful.  You want ...

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  2857 Hits

Should I Try to Keep Working While Applying for Disability?

If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you may be worried about how you will support yourself as you wait for your application to be processed. It can take a long time to get the Social Security Administration to approve your claim for benefits, so it's natural to be worried about where your income during this interim period w...

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  2606 Hits

Can I Get Social Security Disability for Mental Illness?

Social Security Disability benefits provide for you when you're too sick or injured to work. Physical illness is not the only type of illness that could prevent you from holding a job. If you suffer from a serious mental illness, this can also prevent you from working.  Because mental illnesses can be disabling, the Social Security Administrat...

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  2628 Hits

What Does Medical Equivalence Mean?

If you're applying for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, you need to prove you have a medical condition that is serious enough to qualify you for benefits. The Social Security Administration has a list of disabling conditions that are usually severe enough to make those afflicted with the ailments eligible to receive...

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  2702 Hits

Who is Eligible for SSI

Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is one of two programs that the Social Security Administration operates to provide benefits to individuals who are disabled. Supplemental Security Income does not require you have to worked in order to obtain benefits, so it is often an option for low-income families with disabled children.  However, while...

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  2964 Hits

Who is Eligible for SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can provide you with monthly income when you have a disability that stops you from being able to work and earn income. Unfortunately, actually qualifying for SSDI benefits is tricky because the application denial rates are very high. To maximize your chances of getting disability benefits from the Social ...

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  31656 Hits