Social Disability Lawyer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news in the world of social disability law provided by the Los Angeles based Law Office of Irene Ruzin.

How to determine what you’ll receive in Social Security Benefits

how to determine your social security benefits

According to a report by the Insured Retirement Institute, a majority of baby boomer are either underprepared or worse unprepared for their retirement – means they have nothing to fall back on for retirement. This is where the Social Security comes in. Social Security Program is very important for the US senior citizens. From contributing 1/3rd of ...

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How much increments should I pay to the SSDI taxes?

increments for ssdi taxes

You need the peace of mind and the particular income to make sure you live a peaceful life after retirement. Retirement itself is a huge financial decision, and if you are someone with a disability or have to support a disabled dependent then you might as well have to make sure you get the best out of social security disability. What you will get f...

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