Social Disability Lawyer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news in the world of social disability law provided by the Los Angeles based Law Office of Irene Ruzin.

What are Common Reasons for a Disability Benefits Denial?

​When you need Social Security Disability benefits, it's incredibly disheartening if your claim is denied. Although there is a multi-stage process that allows you to appeal, this process can take a long time and you may be in need of the benefits quickly to support yourself. A Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer can help you to complete your ini...

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  2549 Hits

How Much are Social Security Disability Payments Worth?

Social Security disability benefits could be your only source of income if you are too disabled to work. As a result, it is important to understand how these benefits work, how to apply for benefits, and how much your benefits will likely be worth. A Los Angeles Social Security Disability benefits lawyer can answer these questions and many more.&nb...

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  2744 Hits

Should I apply for SSDI or Workers’ Comp Disability?

​If you cannot work because of an illness or an injury and you need compensation from a disability benefits program, you may need to decide which program to apply for. In particular, you may want to choose between applying for Social Security Disability and applying for workers' compensation disability benefits.  A Los Angeles disability benef...

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  3095 Hits

Can I Get Disability Benefits if I Never Worked?

If you are disabled, your condition may have prevented you from ever having a job. If this is the case, you may need to obtain disability benefits -- but may be unsure of what access to benefits you have since you do not have a work history.  A Los Angeles Social Security Disability attorney can assist you in understanding what kinds of benefi...

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  2633 Hits

Can I Get Disability Benefits If My Household Income is High?

Many government benefits programs are means-tested, so if you are disabled and hoping to receive disability income from the Social Security Administration, you may be wondering if this benefit is means-tested as well. The answer depends upon which program you get your disability benefits through. Because the process of determining what benefits pro...

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  2460 Hits

What is a Social Security Disability Hearing?

When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, ideally, your claim will be approved with the first application that you submit. A Los Angeles disability attorney can work with you to make sure your information is comprehensive and complete in your application to maximize the chances of approval.  Unfortunately, the majority of people ...

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