Social Disability Lawyer Blog

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20 common medical conditions in the SSA disability Blue Book

common medical conditions for SSDI claims, Blue Book impairments

After going through the vigorous steps of evaluating your eligibility for disability claims under Substantial Gainful Activity, SGA, the social security administration, SSA then forwards your claims to the Disability Determination Services, DDS, also a state agency. The DDS determines the severity of your disability through either a careful examination of your medical reports or sending you directly to one of their own registered physicians or practitioners.

The DDS evaluates your disability eligibility for Social Security Disability claims through:

  • Whether you are able to perform any kind of job given your education, age, skills and limitations;

The Disability listings

Here are listed the 20 most common medical conditions from the Blue Book claimed by SSDI claimants:

  1. Cancer
  2. Kidney disease and urinary problems including genitourinary problems
  3. Skin disorders such as dermatitis
  4. Immune system disorders such as HIV/AIDS, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
  5. Hematological disorders
  6. Disorders of the bone marrow
  7. Mental disorders such as dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia, autism or retardation
  8. Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy
  9. Respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, asthma, COPD
  10. Sensory and speech issues such as partial or full blindness, hearing losses
  11. Cardiovascular diseases such as congested arteries, heart failure
  12. Musculoskeletal problems such as spine fractures or other back injuries
  13. Other kidney problems such as dialysis may also be included
  14. Endocrine system disorders such as diabetes and neuropathy
  15. Liver disease
  16. Irritable bowel syndrome
  17. ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  18. Ovarian cysts or other interstitial cysts
  19. Ruptured disk
  20. PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

If your disability is not mentioned in this list, you may check the disability listings in the Blue Book or contact our social security disability attorney directly for specialized guidance on your specific case.

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