By Social Disability Lawyer on Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Category: Uncategorized

Why is It So Hard to Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security Disability benefits are supposed to provide for you if you're too sick or hurt to work, but actually getting benefits can be very difficult. In fact, more than half of all applications are denied and you'll likely need to work with a Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer to help you fight for benefits if you apply. 

​Why is it So Hard to Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

​Its very frustrating to many applicants for disability benefits that the process of getting benefits is so difficult -- especially because dealing with a claim denial can be devastating when you are sick and not earning any money. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why it's so hard to get Social Security benefits. Getting benefits is difficult because:

While getting benefits is hard, it is not impossible. A Los Angeles disability benefits attorney can help you to prepare an application to maximize the chance of getting benefits and can assist you in appealing if your claim for benefits is denied. ​

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