By Christy on Thursday, 23 February 2023
Category: Uncategorized

Neck Problems That Qualify for SSDI

Social Security Disability benefits may be available for individuals who suffer from severe neck pain, caused by a variety of medical conditions such as muscle strain, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, and some types of cancer, among others. The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, which provides assistance to those who have worked enough to earn adequate credits and paid enough taxes to Social Security. If you are eligible for SSDI benefits, you may also be able to secure benefits for your dependents.

The purpose of these benefits is to provide financial assistance for medical expenses and living expenses, since you will not have regular employment income due to your inability to work. However, disability benefits are only available to individuals who are completely disabled and cannot work for at least one year. The symptoms of neck pain can vary significantly and may include difficulty swallowing, numbness, dizziness, severe shoulder pain, and sharp shooting pains. 

What Would it Cost to Treat Neck Pain?

To qualify for SSDI benefits for your neck pain, you must meet the disability listing requirements in the SSA's medical guide, known as the Blue Book. The listings in the Blue Book prove that you are unable to return to work due to restrictions set by your doctor or the severity of your condition. Sufficient documentation is crucial to support your eligibility for these benefits. 

The cost of treating neck pain, like many medical conditions, can be expensive. Medscape reports that spine problems account for approximately 9% of total medical costs, totaling around $86 billion annually. The cost for the individual depends on the specific condition and its severity, and those with health insurance typically face co-pays, deductibles, and coinsurance for doctor visits, prescriptions, therapy, and procedures, including surgery in some cases.

Individuals with chronic severe neck pain can expect to spend an average of $3,500 per year on treatment and therapy, although the cost may be higher in certain cases. If your financial situation meets your state's guidelines, you may be eligible for Medicaid. 

Neck Problems That Qualify for SSDI

There are several neck problems that may qualify for disability benefits according to the guidelines of the Social Security Administration (SSA). These include degenerative disc disease (DDD), herniated discs, arthritis, whiplash, cervical spondylolisthesis, cervical retrolistheses, pinched nerves, cervical lordosis, and cancer.

To have a successful disability claim for a neck problem, you will need to provide hard medical evidence that confirms the severity of your condition. This should include test results, a confirmed diagnosis, the prognosis, treatment plan, and exam notes that detail your condition and the severity of the symptoms and how your daily life is affected.

Even whiplash that causes severe symptoms can be a disability with the right supporting documentation and evidence. A residual functional capacity (RFC) form completed by a physician can be beneficial to your disability claim, as it will show what you can and cannot do and help present a clear picture of whether you can work and, if so, what kind of work you could perform.

It is important to have a detailed list of medical providers who have treated your neck problem, including approximate dates of service, their address and phone number, and other pertinent details. The leading cause for denied disability is a lack of hard medical evidence.

You should discuss with your physician and ask them if they believe your neck problem meets the criteria for disability benefits. With a doctor who supports your claim, you are more likely to succeed with your Social Security disability claim.

SSDI for Cervical Spine Disability 

To be eligible for disability benefits for cervical spine disorders from the SSA, you will need to provide strong medical evidence to support your claim and confirm your diagnosis. Conditions such as cervical cancer, ankylosing spondylitis, cervicalgia, and spinal stenosis may qualify for disability benefits.

Your medical evidence should include test results, a confirmed diagnosis, and a treatment plan. You will also need to demonstrate that you have followed the plan of treatment but are still unable to work and perform routine daily tasks. Disorders of the skeletal spine or extremities that affect musculoskeletal functioning may be evaluated under the musculoskeletal disorders listing.

It is essential to provide hard medical evidence that confirms the severity of your cervical spine condition and how it affects your ability to work and perform daily tasks. Without supporting documentation, your claim is likely to be denied. A residual functional capacity (RFC) form completed by your physician that outlines your abilities and limitations can be beneficial to your disability claim.

Be sure to talk to your physician about your condition and your claim, as they can provide valuable insight and support for your claim. They can also help ensure that you have the necessary documentation to support your claim.

Medical Qualifications Required for SSDI Benefits for Neck Pain

While there is no special section in the Blue Book for neck pain, the listing for spinal diseases addresses several causes of neck difficulties and pain. If you believe you qualify because your severe neck pain and difficulties match the requirements of this listing due to the cervical spine listing, the SSA may not even have to assess how your neck pain and issues limit your activities. You may be approved for disability benefits automatically. 

To achieve the listing standards, you must demonstrate that the nerve root or spinal cord has been impacted and that you experience either spinal nerve root compression discomfort, muscular weakening resulting in loss of reflexes or feeling in those muscles, or reduced spine movement. Another possibility is that you have a painful disorder caused by spine inflammation that requires you to change positions more than once every two hours. 

You must present sufficient medical documentation to demonstrate that you meet the standards of this specific listing. Your paperwork must contain evidence of an in-depth examination of your spine, documentation of the range of motion in your neck, lab findings, and medical imaging that demonstrates your specific impairment.

Because the pain you describe is difficult to quantify or prove, you must be able to give medical data indicating a plausible or conclusive source of the suffering. You must include a history of treatments used to address the problem, as well as how long you got them and how your body responded to them. While your neck pain could be caused by a variety of factors, additional lists may be useful in your quest for disability approval. 

Your neck ache could be classified as:

- Joint Dysfunction Section 1.02
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Section 14.09

To qualify for one of those lists, you must meet the criteria for that specific disease. Other conditions that can cause neck pain may also be considered:
- DDD stands for Degenerative Disc Disease.
- Inflammatory Conditions
- Whiplash
- Nerve Entrapment
- Disc Herniation
- Infections   

Hiring a disability lawyer can ensure that you meet all the deadlines and provide all the required documentation for your claim. You can enlist the help of a disability attorney at The Law Office of Irene Ruzin any point during the claims process.
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