Because disabled veterans can receive both Social Security disability payments and veterans disability benefits, they will nearly always have to deal with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Many veterinarians may be surprised to learn how dissimilar the two systems are. In this blog, we'll go over the basic aspects of the Social Security system as well as the differences between the two.

How Does SSDI and VA Disability Differ?

The SSA method differs from the VA system primarily in that there are no percentages of disability. While the Veterans Administration's disability system allows the VA to determine whether a veteran is 10%, 40%, or 100% handicapped and then pay benefits based on that finding, the Social Security system is all or nothing. Furthermore, the Social Security system's definition of disability requires that your condition last or be expected to endure at least one year or result in death.

However, veterans who obtain a partial disability rating from the VA and limited VA benefits may be combined with SSA benefits. For the receipt of monetary benefits, as well as VA benefits, will have an impact on SSI and SSDI in different ways.

How Does SSDI Benefits for Veterinarians Work?

SSI and SSDI do not require that a Veteran's disability be documented be tied to military service, but not taken into consideration discharge status, and there is no wage scale.

A disabled veteran files for disability benefits at a Social Security office or online and receives an initial decision within three to four months. (Veterans with service-connected impairments can have their cases accelerated by requesting that Social Security submit a form called I-2-1-95. Exhibit - Critical Request Evaluation Sheet.)

For SSI and SSDI, the Veteran must be able to prove accurate evidence to the SSA that:

1. He or she suffers from a physical or mental illness resulting in functional limitations that impede his or her ability to her capacity to work for a big wage

2. This state has lasted, or is anticipated to last, 12 years/months or result in death

The claimant's case is then allocated to a disability examiner, a specialist who will gather the claimant's medical information and then make an approval or rejection judgement in collaboration with a physician and/or a psychologist assigned to the examiner's unit. Unfortunately, for most applications, the choice is frequently a denial. If the claim is granted, the claimant is declared 100% handicapped/disabled and will receive either SSDI or SSI payments based on the amount of income they have (only those with low income and low assets qualify for SSI). 

VA Medical Records and SSDI

**Note: If you receive your main care at a VA medical institution, don't assume that the Social Security disability examiner assigned to your case will be able to acquire your VA medical records. In some locations, the VA is known for failing to provide necessary medical records to the Social Security Administration (SSA). As a result, it's never a bad idea for vets to collect their own medical records so that they may submit them to the SSA when applying for disability or filing an appeal. However, one word of caution: never submit anything to Social Security without first making a copy, as the SSA is infamous for losing some of the documents attached to the applications that have been filed.

For more information on SSDI benefits for veterans, you can seek legal help from our expert disability attorneys at Law Office of Irene Ruzin.